ПамятьМодульОперацияПамять, КбПрошло, с0__start__925,530,000020after_load mydebug927,270,000070after_load myfilterinput1061,320,001150after_load myfunc1324,700,002940after_load myrequest1405,820,003610after_load myresponse1432,380,003950after_load myimg1477,120,004420after_load myshablons1508,660,004820after_load mymysqli1640,950,008300after_load myuser1720,270,01119news/57821after_load myrouter1729,440,01273news/57821after_load myelements1983,800,01521news/57821after_load mymenu2026,570,01568news/57821after_load mybnr2045,660,01599news/57821after_load mypage2048,010,01615news/57821after_load mynews2264,660,01792news/57821after_load myops2265,090,01797news/57821after_load mystem_ru2464,760,01970news/57821after_load mysear2467,880,02018news/57821after_load myvideo2522,410,02210news/57821after_load myalbums2558,480,02252news/57821after_load mysmf2612,840,02323news/57821after_load myvideo_view2679,980,03407news/57821after_load myalbums_view2718,680,03548news/57821after_load 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join vn_bnr_places p on p.id = b.place inner join vn_bnr_pages pp on b.id = pp.idb and pp.idp = Null where b.on1 = 1 (0)0,00011http://www.nabludatel.ru/index.php?modul=news&id=57821select * from vn_pages where modul='news' (1)0,00020news/57821 select p.place, b.fn1,b.img,b.href,b.title,b.w,b.h from vn_bnr b left join vn_bnr_places p on p.id = b.place inner join vn_bnr_pages pp on b.id = pp.idb and pp.idp = '6' where b.on1 = 1 (10)0,00070news/57821select head from vn_news where id='57821' (1)0,00040news/57821select value from smf_settings where variable = 'maxMsgID' (1)0,00018news/57821select value from smf_settings where variable = 'theme_dir' (0)0,00010news/57821select value from smf_settings where variable = 'images_url' (0)0,00009news/57821 SELECT m.posterTime, ms.subject, m.ID_TOPIC, m.ID_MEMBER, m.ID_MSG, b.ID_BOARD, b.name AS bName, 1 AS isRead, 0 AS new_from, LEFT(m.body, 384) AS body, m.smileysEnabled, m.icon FROM (smf_messages AS m, smf_topics AS t, smf_boards AS b, smf_messages AS ms) LEFT JOIN smf_log_mark_read AS lmr ON lmr.ID_BOARD = b.ID_BOARD WHERE t.ID_LAST_MSG >= 13710 AND t.ID_LAST_MSG = m.ID_MSG AND b.ID_BOARD = t.ID_BOARD AND b.ID_CAT NOT IN (15) AND ms.ID_MSG = t.ID_FIRST_MSG ORDER BY t.ID_LAST_MSG DESC LIMIT 8 (8)0,00122news/57821select value from smf_settings where variable = 'maxMsgID' (1)0,00018news/57821select value from smf_settings where variable = 'theme_dir' (0)0,00010news/57821select value from smf_settings where variable = 'images_url' (0)0,00009news/57821 SELECT m.posterTime, ms.subject, m.ID_TOPIC, m.ID_MEMBER, m.ID_MSG, b.ID_BOARD, b.name AS bName, 1 AS isRead, 0 AS new_from, LEFT(m.body, 384) AS body, m.smileysEnabled, m.icon FROM (smf_messages AS m, smf_topics AS t, smf_boards AS b, smf_messages AS ms) LEFT JOIN smf_log_mark_read AS lmr ON lmr.ID_BOARD = b.ID_BOARD WHERE t.ID_LAST_MSG >= 13710 AND t.ID_LAST_MSG = m.ID_MSG AND b.ID_BOARD = t.ID_BOARD AND b.ID_CAT IN (15) AND ms.ID_MSG = t.ID_FIRST_MSG ORDER BY t.ID_LAST_MSG DESC LIMIT 8 (8)0,00102news/57821 SELECT v.id,v.datec,v.head,v.fnimg,v.fnvideo,v.urlvideo, count(fc.id) as ccnt FROM vn_video v left join vn_comments fc on (fc.tid = v.id and fc.imodul="5" ) where v.on1=1 GROUP BY v.id ORDER BY v.datec DESC LIMIT 0,1 (1)0,00026news/57821 SELECT a.id,a.datec,a.title, f.fn as img, count(fc.id) as ccnt FROM vn_albums a left join vn_files f on f.id = a.img left join vn_comments fc on (fc.tid = a.id and fc.imodul='4' ) where a.on1=1 GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY a.datec DESC LIMIT 0,3 (3)0,00026news/57821SELECT n.id, n.avtor, n.datec, n.head, n.fn FROM vn_news n where n.tip = '2' ORDER BY n.datec DESC LIMIT 0,4 (4)0,00033news/57821select count(*) as cnt1 from vn_comments where tid='56586' and imodul='7' (1)0,00014news/57821select count(*) as cnt1 from vn_comments where tid='56584' and imodul='7' (1)0,00013news/57821select count(*) as cnt1 from vn_comments where tid='56548' and imodul='7' (1)0,00013news/57821select count(*) as cnt1 from vn_comments where tid='56545' and imodul='7' (1)0,00013news/57821select year,mon from vn_arh where imodul='2' order by year desc, mon desc limit 0,1 (1)0,00015news/57821 select n.avtor, n.id, n.datec, n.head, n.fn, n.txt as txt from vn_news n where n.id='57821' (1)0,00055news/57821update vn_news set cntlook=cntlook+1 where id='57821' (0)0,00026news/57821 select count(*) as cnt1 from vn_news n where n.tip='1' and n.datec>='2011-6-21 00:00:00' and n.datec0,00034news/57821 select n.avtor, n.id, n.datec, n.head, n.fn, SUBSTR(n.txt,1,200) as txt from vn_news n where n.tip='1' and n.datec>='2011-6-21 00:00:00' and n.datec0,00113news/57821select count(*) as cnt1 from vn_comments where tid='57822' and imodul='2' (1)0,00028news/57821select count(*) as cnt1 from vn_comments where tid='57821' and imodul='2' (1)0,00023news/57821select count(*) as cnt1 from vn_comments where tid='57820' and imodul='2' (1)0,00025news/57821select count(*) as cnt1 from vn_comments where tid='57819' and imodul='2' (1)0,00023news/57821select count(*) as cnt1 from vn_comments where tid='57818' and imodul='2' (1)0,00024news/57821select count(*) as cnt1 from vn_comments where tid='57817' and imodul='2' (1)0,00022news/57821select count(*) as cnt1 from vn_comments where tid='57816' and imodul='2' (1)0,00024news/57821select count(*) as cnt1 from vn_comments where tid='57815' and imodul='2' (1)0,00023news/57821select count(*) as cnt1 from vn_comments where tid='57814' and imodul='2' (1)0,00021news/57821select count(*) as cnt1 from vn_comments where tid='57813' and imodul='2' (1)0,00022news/57821 select * from vn_arh where imodul='2' and year = '2011' and mon = '6' order by year, mon, day (22)0,00089news/57821 SELECT c.* FROM vn_comments c where c.on1=1 and c.tid = '57821' and c.imodul='2' order by c.datec asc (27)0,00394news/57821SELECT datec FROM vn_news order by datec desc limit 0,1 (1)0,00033news/57821SELECT n.id, n.tip, n.avtor, n.datec, n.head, n.fn, count(fc.id) as ccnt, max(fc.datee) as lastd FROM vn_news n left join vn_comments fc on (fc.tid = n.id and (fc.imodul="2" or fc.imodul="7")) WHERE n.datec>='2012-02-08 10:00:36' GROUP BY n.id ORDER BY ccnt desc LIMIT 0,7 (7)0,01550news/57821select distinct nomer, YEAR(datec) as year from vn_articles order by datec desc limit 0,2 (2)0,00013news/57821SELECT a.id as id, a.head, count(c.id) as cnt, max(c.datee) as lastd FROM vn_articles a left join vn_comments c on ( c.tid = a.id and c.imodul = '3' ) where a.nomer='6' and YEAR(a.datec) = '2012' group by a.id order by cnt desc, a.datec desc limit 0,7 (7)0,00039news/57821SELECT a.id as id, a.head, count(c.id) as cnt, max(c.datee) as lastd FROM vn_articles a left join vn_comments c on ( c.tid = a.id and c.imodul = '3' ) where a.nomer='5' and YEAR(a.datec) = '2012' group by a.id order by cnt desc, a.datec desc limit 0,3 (3)0,00024news/57821select * from vn_votes where on1=1 order by datec desc limit 0,1 (1)0,00013news/57821select * from vn_votes_quest where on1=1 and pid='110' (4)0,00030news/57821 select * from vn_blogs where tip='1' and on1=1 order by ord asc (4)0,00041Итого (51): 0